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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ole_Ship in light fog

The Balls of this(were of Ole_Ship (now see") set a range from near to far offsite in bearing; abstract, of the many tangents of points, the drift here contain links on courses abstract to those posts; posts on this blog, as a topic by this blog's description; a journal, where cohesiveness in preserving spirit of post contexts, and as a buoy, to where category or topics may or may not be itinerary to a pertinence may be at times brazen comparative or superlative to etymologies; preserving the spirit, where etymology may draw to much focus by itself weakening or destroying the spirit.
Where viewers whom surfed over to those links may find themes more common  in everyday life or have already followed links fom other blogs of my own for reasonings as described in the description above.
In light of all that, then , whether that for some may be viewpointed as labeled or cursoring over for menus and descriptions ; of these it is that the farther viewers scroll down the charts, "in light of this fog", the closer the main view to the brazen compass .(edited-in "brazen" January 4, 2012) (edited to day {October 28, 2011} hyperlinking a "from and to" LITE)
Point of direction; and a gathering need, finding this post returning often in searches since its posting.

BBC NEWS UK How to find a treasure trove
May 19, 2007 ... The haul made by treasure hunters from an American company called Odyssey ... The sister ship uses an underwater robot to salvage the coins - 40k - Cached - Similar pages
Touchdown - August 2003 (Royal Australian Navy)
The crew connect the messenger to the haul down cable of the ship's Recovery Assist Secure and Traverse (RAST) system. The aircraft then recovers the - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
haul English Dictionary & Translation by Babylon
To change the direction of a ship by hauling the wind. See under Haul, v. t.. (n.) Transportation by hauling; the distance through which anything is hauled, - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
haul - definition of haul by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...
Haul up your ship upon the land and pack it closely with stones all round to keep off the power of the winds which blow damply, and draw out the bilge-plug - 39k - Cached - Similar pages

Ship of Theseus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Ship of Theseus, also known as the Theseus' paradox, is a paradox which raises the question .... If one of the balls was then painted a different color, - 43k - Cached - Similar pages


PostEdt. said...

"Ole" tag found on a google search...
Probably aught to look like this:

PostEdt. said...



Anonymous said...

Setting Bearings in flight of "The Eagle" to "place to land", pointing back at the moon.

The path of search was cleared as the computed clock reset; how I came across "The Eagle", I'm not sure I can retrace.
On to stream of that wind, I found this site in my serach from The Museum Of Robyn Hitchcock to the Link of "Poetry is in the Restaurant" and the poem appealing is called "WHEN TIME ARRIVED"

Once I could see time coming:
A speck, a distant puff where the far tracks merged,
A mirage on the shimmering plain,
Time was heading our way
But hadn't reached us yet.

Here on the platform the fresh machines
Stood by the stationmaster they would soon replace.
He held his fob watch, in the past, flicked open
To reveal the clockface virgin and unactivated,
Time like Venus in her shell.
I see his face all made of meat
And satisfied, turning to the east,slowly turning.
And you, too young to move, your skin would now seem a baby's
You held my hand.
You could have held it harder.

Then time was upon us. Everything unfroze,
Swapped places, jittered as the beast pulled in
Past the white signal box that already housed only tomatoes.
Did time stop then?
Certainly, it slowed down, braked a shrieking steel bray. Up in the cab
The driver's eyes were wired,
His mouth a grim horizon I could see
Till steam embraced us.
Doors opened, expectant figures thawed into motion and vanished through them,
Noone alighted. Thank God you never said goodbye.
The staionmaster blew his whistle, as if he could control all this.

Time didn't stop and never will while we are men
And women with seasonal stomachs
Dialed by the moon.
The steam dispersed, to show time accelerating,
Leaving us faster than it came. And time
Grew baldness on the station master
Gave the machines confidence
Took you from me but left your echo;
And time is so remote now in the setting sun
That tonight, as the red moon wobbles over rusty rails,
I fancy it has stopped at last.

Anonymous said...

continued from above, May 21, 2008 10:18 AM , the date more like an eddy in whitewateror as it's cushioned having hyperlink, an eddy cushion; all these of the many attempts to post the stream traced, this bearing alone is on getting it posted in-"time".
A COMPASS FLIP-LINE may be needed.
(this comment post is unfinnished ..and is to be continued...)

Anonymous said...

The compass flip-line

Anonymous said...

Searching The Ole_Ship, sometimes you just find nice things that are touching as the fingerpainting may show; "in light fog" i relate, though somethings that are in the midst aren't appearant; mostly the most important things too, from first introductions to delights of a Bon Voyage to the pilgramidge of a parent's

Anonymous said...

How I've gone from the light fog all the way to the moon and back; now, Pointing Back At The Moon
I meant to leave comment there, but got lost in the links here and above in these post comments I've made (annonymous)...editing continues as I will comment on there now...
(to be continued again...)

Anonymous said...

...continued from last comment, above.
If you followed the link in the last post to the moon(it was in the top left corner under "other blogs"), so here linked is the comment I have now left, and in a hope that a "living water" can be seen here as coined from God's word it does not escape(is it translated as "it obeys" in some texts; I dont know, I will search that)
Anyway, its not preaching so much as this is sharing; and its simple to me to see that the wisdom is on the same level for us to relate; and in this, not to say that its raised to "God"..more or less for His will, NOT NY OWN, And for the understanding of what I can be or hear, or so, the most

Anonymous said...

...continued from above

the first link to how I got to
""How I've gone from the light fog all the way to the moon and back; now, Pointing Back At The Moon

and more cushions:

I now have left my comment there,

Anonymous said...

OLE_SHIP -"God"| "water" | God water
| "drinks of this water" |
Reminded of the old song, Blackwater, a metaphor is to this Halo video where water is mentioned in song.
This from the YouTube channel of 1EPLURIBUSUNUM

Anonymous said...

Two by Two i post this.
Results 1 - 10 of about 16,200 for jesus "Two by Two" midst (including googles search results that were omitted: Results 1 - 10 of about 16,300 for jesus "Two by Two" midst) |
googleResults 1 - 10 of about 719 for ole_ship , with Googles omitted Results 1 - 10 of about 776 for ole_ship | YAHOO 1 - 10 of about 325 for ole_ship and with those omitted: 1 - 10 of about 1,060 for ole_ship

Okay, now the dates May 5, 2008 and May 6, 2008
Moon Watch :: An Einstein Year Project- Have you ever wondered at what stage you can see the new crescent moon?

In May 2008, the new moon will occur on May 5th. If you go out just after sunset over the three or four days following the instant of new moon and have a look low in the western half of the sky near where the sun set, you can try and observe the new crescent moon.

You can make the observation with just your eyes or with binoculars or a telescope. Never look at the Sun directly or through binoculars or a telescope as you will damage your eyesight. If you are going to use binoculars or a telescope to find the new crescent moon, you must make sure the Sun has set.

Finale- New Moon Report

PostEdt. said...

The New Moon appeared at 7:53:00 as it was by my watch :00 and changing to :01;
given that, it could have been no earlier that 7:52:57 to the moments
taken of appearing and checking my watch.

Synchronizing Link ; Source Animated USNO Time in Standard Time Zones .

from USNO Master Clock Time (Requires Javascript be enabled.) USNO Time in Standard Time Zones · USNO Master Clock Time Animated GIF Clocks (Requires compatible browser, see details ... - 2k - Cached

It was a tuff climb up with the wind and dust storm. The dust storm I think it helped to play a little against my faith; knowing there are times in places, that its just not viewable.

Thanks for absorbing the extra info and apologies for no pictures available.

All three of my AAA batteries were drained.